3. marca 2020


Razstava Public / Private

Students’ work has been developed within a project that was a part of the MA study course Critical Analysis of Visual Media. Students attending the course come from various fields of design, from visual communications, interior design, fashion and textile designto design management. For the project they had to select an existing work from visual art or popular cultureand interpret it. Then they had to transform this original to their own work, following a path of inner criticism (understood in a Greenbergian way as acriticism within the medium) on the one hand, and outercriticism (in a senseof social criticism), on the other. In the end they had todescribe and interpret their own work and present it to other students.

Povezava na virtualno razstavo, na kateri sodelujejo nekateri mag. študenti na FD, ki so letos poslušali predmet Kritična analiza vizualnih medijev pod mentorstvom prof. dr. Ernest Ženka. Razstava je postavljena na dveh spletnih straneh, na Kitajskem in v ZDA.

objavljena so dela študentov:
Ana Šček, Douglas Coupland, Andreja Terčelj, Aleksandra Karkashian, Črt Vučko, Klavdija Maček, MIRNA MIKULIĆ,  PETRA CIRMAN, Charles J.Noke,LYNN DAVIS 



ang. povzetek

Prof.Dr. Ernest Ženko/Critical Analysis ofVisual Media

Teaching Statement